
A Day footsteps @homeland

Ooops! I did it again! I went to Kuantan again this time! My hometown is a place that I will never get bored with. My friends said I’m crazy. Oh! what!everrr.. They can’t stop me from coming back as many times as I want. I miss my ex-house, I miss my ex-schools (walaupun kena bangun pagi2 travel 1jam+ ulang alik), my ex-teachers (walaupun garang tapi pandai mengajar), my hometown food especially mee curry (dekat station taxi lama), nasi minyak, keropok (kantin punye keropok mmg meletup), mee jalong (kat depan my sek ren mmg best giler mkn hari2 pon tak bosan) & kuih-muih time raya puasa mmg top, my sch bas no.39 (top 1 in my list), beach (most wanted in my list), my relatives and lastly ofcos my friends yg amat kusayangi!

This time I brought my aficionado with me. We are on 1day budget trip. He doesn’t feel comfy when in the bus, pity him.. (wtd, petrol hike up to rm2.70(thx to Pak Lah), so we decided to take bus or air asia (next time)..cheaper maa.. keke). We reach Ktn right about afternoon. We started to complain the pain that we suffer while sitting on the bus. We were so hungry and I brought him to the pasar next to Ocean lama. They have variety kind of nice food there. (from muruku to pisang goreng, from pisang goreng to yau char kuai, u name it). We end up eating malay food cos I didn’t see gerai asam laksa open that day. After makan2, he said he wanted to go to TC. So we take a taxi cos we are so darn lazy to take a bus. Maklum la, lepas makan our body dah jadi berat tulang(lazy).

After 10mins ride, finally we reach TC beach. He and I walk towards the sea, and secara tidak langsung, I saw a gang of photographr sitting at the side walk holding their “meriam” (says my aficionado). I was like (Alert! Alert! Competitors on board, competitors on board, what should I do?) I did pop up with a question: Why there are so many people using dslr nowadays? (affordable? Looks cool? Peer pressure? Or is it cos of the medium? (youth these days are into photography + dslr). It is so common, I can see it everywhere I go from analog cam, compact cam to a single lense reflex cam. (Not to fire up a battle between the C & N) At that time, I felt myself so exclusive cos I was the one holding the N and they were looking at me.. hehehe..But no doubt that their gears are good.. so I was like pretending that I didn’t see them (not to be perasan or what but it’s true).

And I slowly toddle to the stairs, we sit. I take out my gears and start to shoot; I don’t want to lose any chance to shoot the moment while I was there. My aficionado wants to shoot too so I pass it to him. (he had the talent when it comes to cars or girls photo shoot, oh well.. guys..u noe). Later, we walk to the other side, there is a little flea markets going on the side walk. So we headed there, and there’s 1 booth that caught my attention. It was the booth that selling self-carved name key chains. I was thinking of carving my name on it since my name is not a common name that you can find it in MPH, or Central Market. (It is nothing special, just that I just want to have my own name key chain..hehe). & this man besides me (my aficionado) whispers: “Why not we joint our name together become one name” (since he lost his skateboard key chain that he kept for 6-7years during our journey to ktn, so he come up with this idea just to replace the lost of his key chain)…cheh!.. I was ponder (ookay, y not.. plus 1 alphabet cost rm1, we have 10 alphabet =rm10, oklaa not tat expensive) I replied: “Ok, we will have both our name on the key chain. So the key chain maker passes me a small note book to write the name that I want to carve. While this maker doing his job, I saw he put two loves above our name. (I was like shit! Oh no, this ain’t good, it is so obvious! U noe, is like hmmm… not cun) What to do, dah buat.. tak kan nak marah org tu kot? Tak baik…

Ok done with that story, I, actually have a reunion with few friends of mine which I haven’t see them for quite some time. Finally I’m being able to meet them, I’m so excited about it. One of us were married and got babies, the elder one 11 months and the younger one still in her mama perut. Last but not least, we did take pictures like we use to do like last time in primary school time. We chatted about our life, education, to cars. And I again sympathy my aficionado cos’ he’s bored he doesn’t un what we talked (we speak mandarin)..kekeke.. he’s “banana” (even tho’ he doesn’t look like one). Nevertheless I thank him for being there for me, teman me the whole time..

(actually I got a long story to tell kinda lazy to type it here anymore..hee)

xoxo, wenna

Rings + Gun + anaesthetic = ?

I got my 1ST piercing on the ears since I was small (6-7 yrs old I think). When I was 15 yrs old I got my 2nd ears pierced. It is pretty common amongst the girls to get their ears pierced. During 17 yrs old I had my nose pierced, just like the ind women. At the age of 18, finally I had my eyebrow pierced. So total I have 6 piercing, (is normal, not a big thing). Do you think I’m into piercing? I don’t think myself is pretty much into piercing. It is just a mixture of teenage rebelliousness back then. People have different kind of view about face/body piercing. Some says it looks cool, some says its revolting, some says it look stupid, and some even says it is a disaster. This is due to the old-fashion / traditional thinking, that once you had your face pierced/ perforate eventually can cause scar to your face. It able to change your luck of your life become worse and yada..yada..yada. I don’t believe in that. It is just a body art. Well, year later I had my eyebrow pierced. Friends were kinda surprise when I told them I want to pierce my eyebrow and they were very supportive :). Once I got my eyebrow pierced, I look at the mirror, I look odd, it does change how I look like, (sort of like good girl gone bad kinda look) not used to my new look. Ok, since I pierced my eyebrow (not to brag), whenever I go people will tend to look at my eyebrow and they give me some kind of “look”. That Is either stare at me or fierce at me. To kids, I’m a monster; to adults, I’m either gangster or stylish. My parents are cool with it (sporting). At first, I thought I will get tick off from my mama or papa but only three words that came out from their mouth “Siao ar lu”. I know that there are some parents would not permit their kids to have pierce even on the ears. (Too bad) Now even my lil “kawaii” sis pierced her lip at the age of 16. (bravo.. bravo.. to her). I’m not encouraging people to pierce, what I wanted to say (my message) is that do whatever you want, take the risk, don’t make it a limitation for you to get what you want.


by my Hormonal Arousal (…no good)

Ok I admit I have a bad temper and I terrorized quickly (not yet to become a terrorist). That’s because I’m flooded with hormones, u fools :p. My mama says I’m too manja that’s why I behave like that. Ye ke? I totally disagree with it. Ala, sometimes I get angry pon because of those people do Jahat to me. I don’t know how to knob my anger and each time it ended badly. Sorry for that. I’m a person who hardly gets over negative feelings slower than others. (what can I say, this world is cruel, don’t you think?) I am sensitive and react strongly to some events, it depends, and I tend to grudges longer. (sound dangerous huh?) I guess that’s because I have a dire times of yore. I hope from now on I can get over it and learn how to regulate my emotions. Have you heard of EQ? (Emotional Quotient). It is an emotional management of one’s self. As far as I remembered, I have done the presentation about this EQ. EQ is more important than IQ. If you can handle your EQ well, you will have a flourishing life, trust me. (go google up if you wish to know more).

Here are some tips to share. (SHARING = CARING)
1) Work on your brain cos’ brain is elastic.
2) Hit a pillow! Punch a bag not living things for god sake!
3) Go to places where you can gain control, I’m not telling u to suicide…’duh’
4) Put out soothing things such as music (music ROCK me good ..heh)
5) Leave the scene, walk away. It’s always safer even tho’ it sound like a loser .. heh
6) Say something Positive! Such as I LOVE YOU.. :P
7) Stop and BREATHE! Let the oxygen suck into the brain, it is a fastest ways to relax.
8) Imagine a calm place! BEACH! I LIKE BEACH!
P/S: Life is too short to be confused, fretful, depressed or angry much of the time. Or to be caught in senseless arguments with loved ones. You Me and Anyone in this world deserve to have a happy life. IF YOU CAN’T FIGURE HOW TO BE HAPPY ON UR OWN, GO N GET HELP!

Under Summer Sun

Ok, maybe not many of you know who mattwaltz is. One of his hit single title called 5:19. (still have no idea who he was?) Ok, nevermind. If you are the one who like to lay on the beach sand, sun shining on you, wind blowing your hair, you are holding a guitar and start to play some songs out of your mind and voice out of your mouth, then you are probably would hooked on his album. (somethin’ like Colbie Caillat & John Mayer) He plays acoustic, pop, rock and soul. The reason why I talk about him cos’ I like his kind of music. I love that kind of music, something like indie, ska, acoustic, soul, sentimental rock, u know it makes you feel so tranquil when you are on the beach. Not to say that I don’t like hard rock, metal rock, r’n’b, electronic pop, classical music.etc. It depends on my mood and where I am. I do listen to those but I still prefer soft yet rock kind of feel of music. It is sweet to listen to. I never get bored when I listen to it over and over again. It would be better if you could listen to it when you are driving (especially when you are driving vintage or classic cars)…or when you are travelling..Oh..Love it!


Venus or Mars?

They said woman from Venus and men from Mars. Both sexes always had problem to understand each other needs and wants. I’m just curious that ‘are women out there whoever agree with me that majority of woman are liberally to sacrifice for their lover than man does?’ Example: when their boyfriend calls them for help or in other circumstances when the boys need girls, just one call away, I’m sure the girls would quickly make their move, although the girls are in no-matter-what situation. But guys, do they really care if their girlfriend sick/down or in any circumstances when the girls need boys. No, boys never really care about girls unless the boys really-really-really like the girls then it would be a different story. It proves that girls tend to fall in love easily compare to boys. BUT when the girls got hurts, after all the sacrifice the girls done for the boys that they love, when everything comes to an end, it’s never easy for the girls to move on. It makes the girls scared and insecure with the new love. However, the break ups does make the girls become stronger. What about the cons? The con is that the girls might not want to hook up to any man until they are ready to let go of the past. Can anyone tell me how would you feel if the man that you love lie to you, does he deserve a chance? He might deserve another chance but what about the trust in you for them? Would it be faded? Would it be hard for you to trust them anymore? Or it doesn’t matter anyway as long as he loves you? (Does he?)and how to identify the love from him to you? Does it chaste? …Tell me how to overcome the feelings of covetous, anxious, and heartrending. I hope there is equal love in between the girls and the boys.
-Toddle off-