They said woman from Venus and men from Mars. Both sexes always had problem to understand each other needs and wants. I’m just curious that ‘are women out there whoever agree with me that majority of woman are liberally to sacrifice for their lover than man does?’ Example: when their boyfriend calls them for help or in other circumstances when the boys need girls, just one call away, I’m sure the girls would quickly make their move, although the girls are in no-matter-what situation. But guys, do they really care if their girlfriend sick/down or in any circumstances when the girls need boys. No, boys never really care about girls unless the boys really-really-really like the girls then it would be a different story.
It proves that girls tend to fall in love easily compare to boys. BUT when the girls got hurts, after all the sacrifice the girls done for the boys that they love, when everything comes to an end, it’s never easy for the girls to move on. It makes the girls scared and insecure with the new love. However, the break ups does make the girls become stronger. What about the cons? The con is that the girls might not want to hook up to any man until they are ready to let go of the past. Can anyone tell me how would you feel if the man that you love lie to you, does he deserve a chance? He might deserve another chance but what about the trust in you for them? Would it be faded? Would it be hard for you to trust them anymore? Or it doesn’t matter anyway as long as he loves you? (Does he?)and how to identify the love from him to you? Does it chaste? …Tell me how to overcome the feelings of covetous, anxious, and heartrending. I hope there is equal love in between the girls and the boys.
-Toddle off-
1 blahs for a better world:
seriously? where did u get the fact?but some of it i admit la mmg btul girl lebih banyak sacrifice dl, relationship once dia dh syg ..kerana wanita dianugerahkan hati yang lembut utk menjadi tmpt pelindung anak2nya nanti..senang memaafkan tp susah melupakan" from mars ,form 5 kelas 5 marikh..ekekkekeke..believe it or not..
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